Become a Member of Freestyle Manitoba
All athletes, coaches, officials and volunteers must be registered and in good standing with Freestyle Canada.
Membership licenses are valid from July 1 to June 30 of each year
Club Athlete
$80For entry-level athlete regular training, Fundamentalz, Freestylerz, and inter/intra club competitions. DOES NOT INCLUDE ACCIDENT INSURANCE.
Provincial Athlete
$140For athletes who plan to compete in the Canadian Open Tour (COT), Canada Cup Series, provincial and Jr. nationals events, inclusive of Club Athlete level competitions.
FIS Athlete
$695For athletes who plan to compete in FIS sanctioned events, inclusive of Club Athlete level, and Provincial Athlete level competitions. It includes a FIS license and mandatory Out-of-country Accident Insurance.
Coach Membership
$100Want to coach? We'd love to train you! Contact us
Required for all coaches. Coaches must also have current Freestyle Canada Coaching Certifications and a NCCP number. DOES NOT INCLUDE ACCIDENT INSURANCE.
Coaches can find their NCCP number on the Coaching Association of Canada’s website.
Judge / Major Official License
$70All judges/major officials that are working with a national level competition (e.g., Sr. Nationals, Jr. Nationals, Canadian Open Tour, etc,.) or provincial level competition are required to have a Judge/Major Official license. DOES NOT INCLUDE ACCIDENT INSURANCE.
Volunteer Membership
$25If you are Volunteering for anything related to Freestyle you must have this. Plus you can then vote at our AGM's
Required for Club Admins/Registrars, the Board of Directors of a T/PSO or a Club and Parent Volunteers or Level 1 Officials. DOES NOT INCLUDE ACCIDENT INSURANCE.
Head Coaches do not require this license, if in addition to their coaching duties they do athlete membership checks using the National Database.
*1 Parent MUST also have a Freestyle Canada Volunteer membership*
Club Sanctioning
Club sanction requests are subject to approval by both Freestyle Canada and the Territorial/Provincial Sport Organisation (T/PSO).
Club Registration
Club sanction requests are subject to approval by both Freestyle Canada and the Territorial/Provincial Sport Organisation (T/PSO).
Activity Sanctioning
An Activity Sanction request is required for all FREESTYLE CANADA special activities.