Freestyle Manitoba Airbag
YES! We FINALLY have an Airbag in Manitoba for all winter athletes to train on, It will primarily be located at Springhill Winter Park. We are allowing Skiers to train on the Airbag.
We will be posting an airbag schedule, but you should anticipate it to be open AT LEAST twice a month. Inclement weather is a major issue, so please understand the airbag will operate when winds are below, and temperature is above certain thresholds. We appreciate your understanding, and safety with our users, is the most important portion of operation.
Freestyle Mantioba Airbag Membership
*You must purchase at least a Mandatory Freestyle Canada CLUB Athlete Membership*
This membership help fund the Airbag Purchase & Repairs and Yearly Lane Fees at Springhill Winter Park and for the groomer
How can you use Freestyle Manitoba's Airbag
Freestyle Clubs
- If you are a member of a ski team talk to your coach to verify if you are able to competently hit the airbag
*YOU MUST BE COMPETENT AND IN CONTROL IN ORDER TO USE OUR AIRBAG* - DO NOT purchase a pass if you have not done this step
"As we offer NO REFUNDS"
Once you have been evaluated, (or your coach has emailed us) you must purchase at least a Mandatory Freestyle Canada CLUB Athlete Membership. This will provide insurance for us as a PSO, our NCCP certified High Performance coach, and you as an athlete to use the airbag.
Public - Yes you can use it to!
- When we have it setup, the first thing you will need to do is to get our Airbag Coach to evaluate your ski skill with a speed check.
*YOU MUST BE COMPETENT AND IN CONTROL IN ORDER TO USE OUR AIRBAG* - DO NOT purchase a pass if you have not done this step
"As we offer NO REFUNDS"
Once you have been evaluated, (or your coach has emailed us) you must purchase at least a Mandatory Freestyle Canada CLUB Athlete Membership $80 FC fee. This will provide insurance for us as a PSO, our NCCP certified High Performance coach, and you as an athlete to use the airbag.

Frequently Asked Questions
Airbag Rules
- Helmets are MANDATORY
- NO Poles for skiers
- Edges must be intact, no open edges will be allowed.
- Do: listen to coach for tips, ask any questions before you jump, check for clear jump, ensure coach has given you an open signal to proceed
- Don't: Try any inverted trick without talking to the airbag coach, jump without talking to airbag coach on way up hill.
Freestyle Canada Membership
- Each Athlete MUST Purchase a Freestyle Canada Membership from Freestyle Manitoba
- Club Athlete
- Provincial Athlete
- FIS Athlete
- There are NO Refunds